HLAČA, JureWork with talented students
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
HORVAT, MarkoIzzivi kulturnih različnosti in multikulturni pristop pri poučevanju glasbene umetnosti/Challenges of cultural diversity and a multicultural approach to teaching music art –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020Musical giftedness and talent in primary schools
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
HOČEVAR, MarijaOrganizing an english course with native speakers
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021Poskrbimo še za naše talentirane učence/Lets take care of our talented students –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
HUDI, PrimožTalented students learn about convection in physics lessons with computer measurements
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
HUGHES, Claire E.Gen Z Gives Way to the Pandemic Generation: Understanding Generational Talent Development
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
HUMAR, RenataPotentially gifted preschool children
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
HUMIĆ, NikolinaRad s potencijalno darovitom djecom u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju - robotika i mentalna matematika
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
HVALA, RenataExperience-based recommendations for working with the gifted in mathematics
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024 -
ILGO, TinaEncouraging the potential of children through the creation and publication of a children's picture book
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
IVANŠEK, ŽigaTalent show as a way of encouraging the development of individual talents
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
IVEK, NikolaPositive supervision in work with gifted students in mathematics
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022