SANJA, BekrićEncouraging talents in students with specific learning difficulties
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
SANKOVIĆ, VedranaA shorter program to support a gifted child in kindergarten
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
SCHELL BRATINA, NatašaInovativno učenje angleščine: vloganje/ Integrating vlog and innovative EFL class –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020Talent education - school TV
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
SEDLAR, IvanaGreen mathematicians have a safer future
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022A child in the forest of challenges
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
SHAUGHNESSY, MichaelOn the issues of higher order thinking skills in talent development.
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024 -
SIMONČIČ, MihaAdditional work and employment of talented students in high school
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024Motivating talented students in mastering mathematically more demanding learning material
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022Exceptionally talented high school math students
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
SITAR, IgorAchieving the desired learning goals through the use of IC technology
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
SITAR, SabinaWorking with talented students to learn and play cricket
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024 -
SLEMENIK, MatejaMožgani - neizkoriščen potencial/The brain - an untapped potential –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
SMAJLI, SandaAquiring mathematical skills in the montessori program
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
SMOLOWITZ, MarcMeet the director: conversations about giftedness, trauma, empowerment & identity with filmmaker marc smolowitz from the G word
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
SMRKE, HelenaKako razvijati talent na naravoslovnem področju/How to develop a talent in natural sciences –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
SREBAČIĆ, SonjaRad s potencijalno darovitom djecom u ranom i predškolskom odgoju i obrazovanju - robotika i mentalna matematika
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
ST. CLAIR, CiminyNavigating the social-emotional landscape: addressing the asynchronous development of gifted learners
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024 -
STOJANOVIĆ, AleksandarLearning strategies and self-regulation of gifted students: didactic aspects
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021Personalization of didactic procedures in the vision of gifted development
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022Personality traits as a factor in self-regulation of learning of academically gifted students –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020Didactic strategies, a factor in encouraging the exceptionality of the gifted
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024The gifted: relations between didactic strategies and critical thinking
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
STOLIĆ PIVNIČKI, JasminaThe significance of the personalized approach in the work with musically gifted learners
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
SUMIDA, ManabuJapanese Super Science High Schools as sites for gifted education - exa mination of educational ca pital –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
SUTHERLAND, MargaretGifted education in the future: teaching as a profession
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
SVIRAĆ, Mirela„Kad je sport više od igre“ - Pro micanje talenata u sportu - prednosti i nedostatci –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠABEC, TinaRazvijanje bralne pismenosti v angleščini s pomočjo digitalne otroške knjižnice/Developing reading literacy in english using the digital childrens library –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠAFRANJ, JelisavetaDifferent pathways in learning and achievements: emotional and cognitive needs of gifted students
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022Gifted and reception anxiety –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020Self-regulation of gifted students in l2 learning: Predictive value of variables in the complexity of Self-regulation construct
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021Social networking as an e-learning platform for gifted students in english for specific purposes
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
ŠEGEL, KristinaNadarjen, vendar težaven otrok z motnjo ADHD v šoli/A gifted but difficult child with ADHD at school –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠETAR, MarjetkaWeekend for the gifted
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
ŠEŠET, BarbaraNačrtovanje in izvajanje aktivnosti po metodi CLIL na predmetni stopnji - prednosti in izzivi/Planning and performing CLIL activities in lower secondary education –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠINKO BOROVŠAK, JanjaWorking with gifted students with elements of formative monitoring
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
ŠKERJANEC, MajaRaznolikost nas bogati/Diversity enrich us –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠTIGL, AlenkaDiscovering talent in gifted and talented students on stage
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
ŠTOR, AnaMi zmoremo/We can do it –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠTOR, MatejaVsak otrok se lahko nauči pisati in brati/Every child can learn to write and read –
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ŠUMANAC, VesnaGiftedness of students - recognition and work
Knjiga: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
ŠUPERBA, VišnjaMathematics activities - recognizing gifted students?
Knjiga: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022