Talent Education - vision and future
Book of papers VII. international scientific TalentEducation conference 2022
Polhov Gradec, 2022
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Talent Education - vision and future na voljo za nakupclose
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PaperPersonalization of didactic procedures in the vision of gifted development
GOJKOV, Grozdanka , GOJKOV RAJIĆ, Aleksandra , STOJANOVIĆ, Aleksandar Different pathways in learning and achievements: emotional and cognitive needs of gifted students
ŠAFRANJ, Jelisaveta Creativity
DROBAC PAVIĆEVIĆ, Milica Talent show as a way of encouraging the development of individual talents
IVANŠEK, Žiga Recognizing and teaching talented pupils in maths and physics
PESTOTNIK, Simona What will our future be?
TEKAVČIČ, Anja Identify talent in elementary school
RASPET, Urša Promoting creativity and entrepreneurship in pupils
ZAGORC, Tea Students' self-esteem and their view on giftedness in primary school
BABIČ PIRKER, Andreja Power of trust and encouragement
BREZNIK, Erika Developing transversal skills when working with talented pupils
KUPNIK, Sara A pupil with autistic spectrum disorders in a special needs school: obstacle or advantage?
ČAMER, Simona Potentially gifted preschool children
HUMAR, Renata Gifted children in kindergarten
MURTIĆ, Oxana Sharing good practice: teaching gifted students in the EFL classroom
KRAMER, Sabina Reproducing in literature classes
VOH, Anka Strengthening children's strong areas and differentitation during distance learning
BUČEK ČAVIĆ, Nika Using dance and movement creativity to get to the school’s cheerleading and dance team
ŽERJAV HORVAT, Polona Developing talents in extracurricular activities for smart heads
RATAJ, Maja A school trip to London
PAŠIĆ, Mersiha Every child has his own talents, we just have to give him opportunities to develop them
ANDREJ, Mojca Encouraging talents in students with specific learning difficulties
SANJA, Bekrić Motivating talented students in mastering mathematically more demanding learning material
SIMONČIČ, Miha Teachers’ standpoints toward working with gifted pupils
PRAH, Annmarie Saša Achieving the desired learning goals through the use of IC technology
SITAR, Igor Down and up the linear function graph
PREPELIČ, Dragana Geogebra programme to encourage talent
VAUPOTIČ, Jasmina Math lessons also for developing fine motor skills
VODOVNIK, Marija Creating a weather station in the school garden within the framework of working with gifted students
POZEB, Simona Gifted in science
VODNIK, Špela Working with the gifted at english
KLINE, Mojca School once upon a time vs. today
LULIĆ, Remza Creativity in a child with ASD - myth or truth
KLANČIŠAR, Jasna Give me freedom and i will show you what i can do
MATIČKO, Tjaša Montessori program and talent encouragement
DABIĆ, Katarina , GAVRAN, Katica Education for the future
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita Gifted children in the class
RONČEVIĆ, Blanka With languages in the world
BONASSIN, Roberta , ERAK, Ivana Positive supervision in work with gifted students in mathematics
IVEK, Nikola Talent education - recognize, motivate, develop
TISUCKI, Jasenka Mathematics activities - recognizing gifted students?
BRAJICA, Mladen , ŠUPERBA, Višnja Aquiring mathematical skills in the montessori program
SMAJLI, Sanda Green mathematicians have a safer future
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani Successful inclusion of gifted children in our regular classes
CABRERA MARTIRENA, Cecilia Getting out of the quagmire: a roadmap for redirecting underachievers and selective producers
CASH, Richard Looking toward the future: applying lessons from the pandemic to improve virtual instruction for the gifted
GUILBAULT, Keri The role of parenting styles in shaping children’s creativity and creative self-beliefs
JANKOWSKA, Dorota Ruf’s five levels of gifted
RUF, Deborah Power up! Social-emotional health for outlier gifted and talented children through the lens of positive psychology
LIM, Lin Meet the director: conversations about giftedness, trauma, empowerment & identity with filmmaker marc smolowitz from the G word
SMOLOWITZ, Marc Accommodating twice-exceptional learner: a case study
ALAMEDDINE, Mira Supporting gifted students into their futures! Consider talent-focused coaching and equitable services
MALEN, Melissa Impostor phenomenon: foe or friend?
CASH, Richard ADHD: new perspectives from brain research and clinical experience
ADAMS, Liz Acceleration decision making is a team activity
BEHRENS, Wendy So gifted learners flourish: realizing the vision
BACHTEL, Kate Starting the school year with passion
FOLKS, S. Ley-Anne Strengths-based strategies for all: how to engage pg and 2e learners in your classroom
BENTLEY, Gayle Creating strength-based-talent-focused home environments to support the growth and wellbeing of complex and creative children
CHAIKO, Tiffany Thoughtful change agents: gifted students as cultural catalysts in the making
CASH, Richard