Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023
Zbornik VIII. mednarodne znanstvene konference TalentEducation 2023
Book of papers VIII. international scientific conference TalentEducation 2023
ISBN 978-961-7040-38-8
Polhov Gradec, 2023
217 strani
Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023 na voljo za nakupclose
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PaperOur hopes and worries about gifted students”
COLANGELO, Nicholas Gifted education in the future: teaching as a profession
SUTHERLAND, Margaret Inclusion: nurturing the talents of students through gifted education strategies in the general classroom
CASH, Richard M. Celebrating the transformative power of strengths, interests, and talents
FUGATE, C. Matthew Understanding, inspiration, and ideas for equitable teaching and support for gifted students
MALEN, Melissa Neurodiversity and mental health: challenges and strategies for 2e students in spanish language learning at the university level
REY-MONTEJO, Sonia The gifted: relations between didactic strategies and critical thinking
GOJKOV, Grozdanka , GOJKOV RAJIĆ, Aleksandra , STOJANOVIĆ, Aleksandar Social networking as an e-learning platform for gifted students in english for specific purposes
KARDOŠ STOJANOVIĆ, Aleksandra , ŠAFRANJ, Jelisaveta Qualification of primary school professionals to work with twice exceptional students
MITHANS, Monika , OGRAJŠEK, Sabina , TIVADAR, Jasna Let’s pivot! Perception of instruction in virtual/online teaching
GUILBAULT, Keri M. , WANG, Cheng-Shi (Sarah) , WU, Wenxi (Pepe) Empower tomorrow’s innovators with talent - targeted teaching and learning
PAYNTER, Jeanne They’re all going to find out i’m a fraud!
ZAKRESKI, Matthew Look at the siblings
LEININGEN, Petra Teaching methods for gifted students and students with special needs
GAŠPERLIN, Nina Differentiation and individualization in the 1st and 2nd grades of primary school
BERLOT KONCUT, Andreja Hard work and talent – essential building blocks of success
PRAPROTNIK, Nastja Encouraging the potential in young people with low self-esteem
TROŠT STENOVEC, Vilma Independent and research work in classes strengthen and develop giftedness and talent
VALENČIČ, Petra Role of talented students in subsidiary schools
KRUH, Mojca Work with talented students
HLAČA, Jure Perception and experience of the learning environment for gifted students
OBLAK, Jasmina Discovering talent in gifted and talented students on stage
ŠTIGL, Alenka Encouraging the potential of children through the creation and publication of a children's picture book
ILGO, Tina Learning english with songs
KMECL, Maja Lessons in musical art and choirs with musically talented students
BOROVŠAK, Kristjan Working with musically talented pupils in music lessons at secondary school
JAGODIČ POGAČAR, Metka Individualization of talented students in musical art lessons
RISTOVA PETROVA, Vesna Mosaic of school events in the school magazine
MARZIDOVŠEK, Tanja Safe and supportive learning environment for gifted students - activities at OŠ Pod goro Slovenske Konjice
BEJAT KRAJNC, Nela Working with gifted students with elements of formative monitoring
ŠINKO BOROVŠAK, Janja Working with gifted students in primary school
RIBIČ, Janja The challenges of working with gifted students during the after-school programme
ŽNIDARŠIČ, Martina Athletically gifted students
LAMPE, Ana Developing talented students in mathematics
TRPIN, Alenka Exceptionally talented high school math students
SIMONČIČ, Miha Physics projects for talented students
BERK, Aljoša Talented students learn about convection in physics lessons with computer measurements
HUDI, Primož Specific forms of working with gifted and talented pupils
MAK VRANETIČ, Erika Double exceptionality - gifted students with specific learning disorders
KOBE, Staša Gifted pupils can also be children with special needs
RISTOVA FIRER, Marina Individualization and differentiation in literacy in the 1st grade
TREPELJ, Karin Let's make a board game and practice
VORŠIČ, Lidija Differentiated didactic games in the 5th class of school
FILEJ, Barbara My experience with gifted students in english at secondary school, using the example of translating texts
ZALOKAR, Polonca Differentiation of teaching in science
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita Developing student skills through modern approach to learning
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana Teacher and gifted student - who needs more help?
BASTA, Sanja Presentation of work with a gifted child in an institution of early and preschool education
PETRIĆ, Klara , RADELJAK GUDELJ, Antonia Working with an artistically gifted child in an early childhood and preschool education institution
BOTICA, Ines , JADRIĆ, Ivana Being gifted - advantage or disadvantage
JURIĆ, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana Research teaching in working with gifted students
BRZICA, Marica , KOVAČEVIĆ BAŠIĆ, Mirjana Sorytelling for impact – our heritage
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana Forgotten settlements
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana Activities in working with potentially gifted students
TISUCKI, Jasenka Gifted for the future
MESAROŠ GRGURIĆ, Nataša Individualization and differentiation in regular classes
RONČEVIĆ, Blanka A shorter program to support a gifted child in kindergarten
BRAJKOVIĆ, Irena , ERAK VERK, Anita , SANKOVIĆ, Vedrana Talent education - individualization and differentiation: a potentially gifted child in the group ("Black hole" project)
BARIČEVIĆ, Ivana , LAZAREVIĆ, Ana Giftedness of students - recognition and work
ŠUMANAC, Vesna A child in the forest of challenges
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani Little creatives
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Potentially gifted students - little mathematicians
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina