XVI. on-line mednarodna konferenca
Polhov Gradec, 2022
229 strani
Ustvarjalnost/Creativity na voljo za nakupclose
Cena: 0,00 EUR + Poštnina 0,00 EUR
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PrispevkiHow does creativity grow?
DROBAC-PAVIĆEVIĆ, Milica Student engagement: experience and reflections of Developing creative case studies and leading peer Discussions
MALEN, Melissa Creativity for elementary students in experiential Learning
VERSALLES-SHIGGS, Seylon Ecologists in extended stay
ANDOLJŠEK ŽAGAR, Petra Raising awareness of ecology through making a giant board game
MILENKOVIĆ, Stojan Extended stays as an experiment, coexistence and integration in diversity
GRAŠIČ, Monika Interesting, creative, mini projects in the extended after school care
SVETEK, Nataša Water world
PETROVIČ KOS, Maja Creativity in extended stay and its connection to educational process
MENONI-PLANINŠEK, Suzana Creativity in the afterschool programs
ABRAM, Milanka Innovative learning environments
KOŠIR, Špela Diversity of creativity in an afterschool care unit
ŠPITALAR, Nina Encouragement of verbal creativity in the process of literacy development in early childhood
SAURIN, Maja Developing creative collaboration in the game "search for hidden treasure"
MLAKAR, Mojca Free time in after- school classes
TURKOVIĆ, Klaudia Creative first-grade pupils
BELŠAK, Nina To inspire, to create, to share happiness
POGAČNIK, Barbara Sewing in after-school classes
BOŽIČ, Breda From seam to seam – we sew
LOGAR, Irena Developing students' creativity with a musical fairy tale
ZABUKOVEC, Maruša Creative use of leisure time during extended stay with music and dance
RISTOVA PETROVA, Vesna Volunteers durig extended stay
PAHOR, Klaudija All for one, one for all fundraising campaign
GRADIŠNIK, Anja Cooperation of older and younger students in after-school classes
PLOJ, Darinka Play – have fun!
SVATINA JANŽIČ, Lea From my hands to your heart
OŽEK, Katja Observing the night sky
PELC, Renata We’re going to put on a play today
HOSTNIK, Nina Book tasting or "how good are books?"
KANDRIČ, Alenka Creativity through a fairy tale
LAMPRET, Mateja From idea to product
MAGDALENIČ, Mateja Classroom in nature
VELEPEC, Mojca Festive december in organised after-school care
JERIČ, Erika Puppets in after school activities
ŠOŠTARIČ, Ksenja Reading and creativity in first-grade after-school classes
RISTOVA FIRER, Marina Movement and musical creation
HROVAT, Maja Creating from scrap T-shirts
KEŠE, Vesna Creating with waste newsprint
KELNER, Jenny Annemarie Chalk, ball, mandala games at the OPB branch school
KOLENC, Majda First aid in elementary school
GRGIĆ, Emanuel Substitution in after-school care class as a starting point, opportunity and challenge for project creation
MATIČKO, Tjaša Projekt »Moje mesto«/Project »My town«
BATAGELJ, Valentina Fairy tales in the afterschool program
SIVKA, Špela From basics to finished product: embroidered T-shirts
ŽALIG, Mojca The challenges of sustainable mobility at school
GAJŠEK, Petra Global learning in the 4th class
GLIHA, Tadeja Even waste packagingcan be fan
KURE, Stanka Wood crafting in after school
JAVORŠEK, Mateja A fairy-tale clocks in the kindergarten
HAVKIĆ, Alma The role of the school counseling service in working with gifted students
RAJŠP, Monika Art education in the kindergarten
HAVKIĆ, Alma Art in the enviroment of the montessori kindergarten
SMAJLI, Sanda With a book into the world
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana From words to puppet shows
KLIKOVAC, Olga Children's portfolio in a creative way
MILOŠEVIĆ, Biserka , MINIĆ, Tamara Creativity
ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Bojana Creativity in the classroom setting
JELIĆ, Milica , MIĆOVIĆ, Anka Encouraging creativity in the classroom
JANJIĆ, Sanja , JELIĆ, Milica A creative approach to geometry through object correlation during mathematics
GRANOV, Kanita Innovation and creativity in teaching
ĆEMAN ZEJNILOVIĆ, Elma Creative metodhs in montessori kindergarden
KARADŽIĆ, Nataša , MANDIĆ, Tamara Creativity in teaching (referring to lower classes)
BRINIĆ, Vesna A creative approach to the realization of physical activity in a mixed educational group
NIKEZIĆ PAŠANBEGOVIĆ, Nermina Encouraging environment – creative child
KOVAČEVIĆ, Verica Let s have fun and learn english in kindergarten
BEĆIROVIĆ, Đultena Encouraging the development of creativity in children
RADNIĆ, Jelena 3D classroom - a resource for developing creativity
KOVAČEVIĆ, Sava Ways to stimulate and inhibiting of creativity at preschool child
TOMAŽIN, Špela Education young readers
MIKLAVČIČ, Maja Challenging playroom in kindergarten