Integracija in inkluzija v predšolskem obdobju - Izkušnje in izzivi
Zbornik XV. mednarodne strokovne konference za vzgojitelje v vrtcih 2022
Polhov Gradec, 2022
239 strani
Integracija in inkluzija v predšolskem obdobju - Izkušnje in izzivi na voljo za nakupclose
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Plenary sessionThe global educator - a move toward embracing the other
KARRIEM, Melonie The role of fairy tales in the socialization and inclusion of preschool children
TREBJEŠANIN, Žarko Law for Equality - Equally Accessible, Equally Safe and Equally Quality Kindergarten for Every Child" - a project of the association Anchor - Educators in the Protection of the Rights of the Child in Kindergarten.
PULJIĆ, Jasna , TURKOVIĆ GULIN, KatarinaPractical paperInclusion in the first age as the great challenge, and great positive experience
TOMAŽIN, Špela Everyone different, all ours
NOVAK, Irena Kindergarten teachers and their empowerment for early recognition and effective treatment of special needs children
POLJANEC, Špela When more children with different developmental disabilities are detected in a preschool unit
AGNIČ, Ariadna Diversity of migration cultures in kindergarten
OBLAK, Ksenija Inclusion of children with disabilities in kindergarten with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance
GODEC, Margaret »Čvekarije« - examples of speech stimulation activities in the second age group
LANGERŠEK, Duška Reading picture books and promoting literacy in the preschool period
BEDNJIČKI ROŠER, Barbara How to stimulate speech and language development of a hearing-impaired children in kindergarten
CURK, Martina The importance of play in children’s with special needs development
SMOLAK, Mirjana The importance of proper communication between professionals and parents in the discovery and inclusion of children with special needs in kindergarten
NELEC SEDEJ, Nataša Educator in the process of inclusion
KOSMAČ, Lea Integration of children with special needs
FIRŠT MURNIK, Eva Special needs child from socially poor environment
PETRIČ, Nataša Inclusion of movement impaired child from kindergarten to school
REMS, Višnja Inclusion of a child with speech and locomotor disability – small steps to achieve big goals
NAMAR, Anja Childrens behaviour in the kindergarten
BOBNAR, Tjaša Inclusion of a physically challenged boy - a part of everyday life that presents a challenge
KOKOT, Anija Educational work with visually impaired child
GLAD, Leona Krasna A child with celiac disease in kindergarten
TRAFELA, Ana Perception in kindergarten
BOBOVNIK, Andreja Introducing elements of arts therapy while working with gifted children
AVSENIK HANSON, Kelly Music and inclusion
HROVAT, Maja A child's emotional response (and the role of an adult)
JAKLIČ, Andreja Child with special needs, treatment and progress
MOŽINA, Karmen Different children - warmth and having an ear for each child
KOSTANJŠEK, Martina A preschool teacher's views on integration and inclusion in the preschool period
ADAM, Mihaela Enhancement of social integration within the nursery school
PELC, Barbara The role of parents and professional associates in the early treatment of preschool children with special needs
HRUP, Darja Early detection of difficulties and quick offer of help to child and parents is key to child's successful development
OKOLIŠ, Bernarda Portfolio of introducing a two-year-old boy
KONŠEK, Simona Fun letter learning throught sensory teaching
BEGUŠ, Renata , SLIVNIK, Katja How to work with a child who has emotional behavioral problems?
KAJBA, Anica With early treatment of children with special needs to reduction in development risk factors
LAŠIČ, Mateja Progress of a physically disabled boy through special pedagogic education
KLOKOČOVNIK, Sara Comparative analysis of psychophysical development of students with disabilities, early life through integration and inclusion of preschool students
GRANOV, Kanita Inclusive education from the educator's point of view
KOVAČEVIĆ, Jasmina , RADOJEVIĆ, Tamara Building a support network
DIVLJAN, Spomenka , RASTOVIĆ KELOVIĆ, Mirjana Preschool institutions and families of atypically developing children: the importance of sensitivity towards parental needs
STRIŽAK, Nevena The road to acceptance of diversity
FARKAŠ VIDOVIĆ, Ivana , SOUKUP, Saša , SVITLICA, Danijela What do children with disabilities teach us?
SABOLEK, Marta , ZORKO, Anja The project „sensitizing children for understanding and accepting differences“
HRGOVIĆ, Martina , PIGAC, Ema Encouraging the integration and organization of the senses as a prerequisite for the comprehensive development of the child
MILOŠ, Helena , TUDIĆ DOKMAN, Anamarija Growing together - inclusion of children with disabilities
STRMO, Slavica Does the success of inclusion depend on the educator?
KOS, Kristina , NJEGOVEC, Tanja Cooperation with the professional team in monitoring the child's development and his activities in kindergarten
GORETA, Gordana , PLAZONIĆ, Zorana Transitional preschool program for children with asd - program example
BILOTA, Rina , BLAŽEVIĆ, Josipa , VRDOLJAK SKELIN, Endži Inclusion in the realization of a preschool program in kindergarten and family
IVIĆ HERCIGONJA, Vesna Occupational therapy in kindergarten Cvrčak, Mali Lošinj
DOMAC, Petra , JANEKOVIĆ, Nikolina Our story from kindergarten
KOVAČEVIĆ, Mariza , PAJCA GRBIN, Gordana Ivan's kindergarten story
BUCCI IVIS, Kristina Gifted boy inclusion
DROŽĐAN, Danijela Working with potentially gifted children in kindergarten
BILUŠKOVIĆ, Ana , ZEKO, Jasenka Forms of additional support in preschool institutions
GLAVINIĆ, Svetlana Interventions in natural learning contexts - a model of early interventions - ecomap as a way of considering family resources
KOPUNOVIĆ TORMA, Dijana Pedagogical implications of the theory of multiple intelligences
GRAHOVAC, Branka Strengthening social competencies through peer support in inclusive conditions
CERANJA, Marija , UZUN, Željka , ŠPOLJARIĆ, Gordana Influence of working memory on academic achievements in the field of basic mathematical concepts in children of typical population and children with disabilities
KOSTIĆ, Snežana , SLAVKOVIĆ, Marija The importance of early intervention in children with disabilities in support of family members
KARADŽIĆ, Nataša Challenges of integration and inclusion, obstacles and lessons learned
ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Bojana Inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in the regular kindergarten program
ĆEMAN ZEJNILOVIĆ, Elma Early prevention for children with developmental disabilities (practice-based experience)
PAPIĆ, Jovana Application of inclusive education in preschool institutions
PEROVIĆ, Sanja Children with special needs
ĆEMAN, Šabo Application of assistant materials in work with children with special educational needs
KOVAČEVIĆ, Verica Individualized form of work with gifted and talented students
JANJIĆ, Sanja , JELIĆ, Milica , MANDIĆ, Tamara Preschool integration and inclusion - experiences and challenges
TODOROVIĆ, Maja Challenges and difficulties in working with children with special education program (tallented, gifted and children with special needs)
VEMIĆ, Ivana Educational policy of inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in preschool institutions in Montenegro
MAREŠ, Stana , MASLOVARIĆ, Biljana