RADELJAK GUDELJ, AntoniaPresentation of work with a gifted child in an institution of early and preschool education
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
RADOVANOVIĆ, VesnaFrom the preschool teachers’ perspective - priorities in the work with gifted preschool children
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
RASPET, UršaIdentify talent in elementary school
Book: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
RATAJ, MajaDeveloping talents in extracurricular activities for smart heads
Book: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
REMIC, JanaPovratna informacija s pomočjo informacijsko - komunikacijske tehnologije –
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
RENKO, KristinaCreating encouraging environment for talented students - practical examples
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
RENKO ZVER, RebekaThe mysterious case or who killed the dog (interdisciplinary connection between english, psychology and mathematics)
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024 -
REY-MONTEJO, SoniaPromoting mental health & well-being: strategies to support 2e students struggling with mental health in higher education
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2024, 2024Neurodiversity and mental health: challenges and strategies for 2e students in spanish language learning at the university level
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023Challenges and Strategies for 2e Students Taking Spanish Language Classes at the University Level
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2021, 2021 -
RIBIČ, JanjaWorking with gifted students in primary school
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
RISTOVA FIRER, MarinaGifted pupils can also be children with special needs
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
RISTOVA PETROVA, VesnaIndividualization of talented students in musical art lessons
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
ROBEK, MajaOtroci spreminjajo svet/Children change the world –
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
RODINGER, GordanaDvojno izjemni učenci kot izziv pri slovenščini v osnovni šoli/Double oustanding students as a challenge in Slovene in primary school –
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
ROJC, GregorČast, dostojanstvo in žrtveništvo med osnovnošolci/Honour, dignity and wictimhood among pupils –
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020 -
RONČEVIĆ, BlankaGifted children in the class
Book: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022Individualization and differentiation in regular classes
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2023, 2023 -
RUF, DeborahRuf’s five levels of gifted
Book: Talent Education - vision and future, 2022 -
RUSIĆ, ŽivanaKako prilagoditi pouk naglušnemu/gluhemu učencu in vzpostaviti čim bolj spodbudno učno okolje zanj/Creating a stimulating classroom enviroment and adapting lessons to suit the needs of hearing impaired child –
Book: Izobraževanje talentov/Talent education 2020, 2020