Promocija zdravja zaposlenih v VIZ 2024
IX. strokovna konferenca za zaposlene v VIZ 2024
Polhov Gradec, 2024
199 pages
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Plenary sessionsPositive psychology at school, the role of positive psychology constructs in promoting teachers' well-being
BUONOMO, IlariaPapersCollective activities lead to good well-being
STRMŠEK, Mojca Marija The role of management in promoting health in workspace
TOMŠIČ PREMRL, Blanka Communication, a competence that is responsible for well-being at the workplace
KROBAT, Zvonko How we promote health at Podčetrtek Kindergarten
SOVINC, Urška Presentation of the professional support network for employees at Preska primary school
TRAMPUŠ, Erika Relaxation methods to relax and balance the body and mind
CESAR, Sonja Tapping
PETROVČIČ, Karmen Positive communication and healthy lifestyle facilitating stress prevention among teachers
GUJTMAN, Jasmina The four sides of my sky
MILOŠIČ ŠALAMUN, Anja Taking care of oureselvs – mind, soul and body
LEPEJ, Barbara When voice lose it's power
MATIČKO, Tjaša Let's go to the forest
LUKAČ, Andrejka Taking care of your voice
REPEK JUVAN, Brigita There’s still time to take care of ourselves in a gentle way
KOMAN, Klavdija Sport – socializing camp for 1st year students
LAZIĆ, Aleksandar Taking care of health promotion in the workplace (not easy)
TAVČAR, Jana How to prevent burnout among school employees?
LIHTENVALNER, Lea Stress - the enemy of modern society
OŽEK, Katja Body hold
GRGIĆ, Emilijan The impact of yoga on teacher well-being
PODRŽAVNIK, Larisa With movement towards health and well-being
KRMELJ, Petra School as a living space
PAHOR, Klaudija Promotion of employee health at the Novo mesto school centre
WEISS, Maja I cycle!
DIMEC, Robert Investing in health and good practice at primary school Dobrepolje
ERČULJ, Helena Teacher burnout
SOJČ, Natalija How to maintain balance between work and private life
VIŠNAR, Nace Health promotion in the light of cooperation with the local environment
CIMERMAN, Mojca »A step forward« - physical activity and health of professionals at school
KOS FIJOLIČ, Klavdija Promoting a healthy lifstyle among teachers
ĐULABIĆ, Sandra Parent-teacher meetings – also a preventive mechanism
VOH, Anka Yoga for teachers – a motivator for managing stressful situations at work
RISTOVA FIRER, Marina Day of health - a healthy and active collective
ZUBIN, Veronika Everybody does not fancy dance but dance can be (relaxation) for everyone
ČERNIVEC, Lucija Health, creativity, and mandala drawing
TURK SUKA, Klavdija Teachers' healthy everyday life
ŠIFRER GAZVODA, Tina How to live and not burn out?
JELANČIČ, Mirjana Return to the post of sports teacher after an absence of one year
SITAR, Sabina Maintaining well-being of preschool teachers
HAJD, Mateja Each colleague is an important part of fostering a positive atmosphere and preventing burnout
NOVAK, Irena Health care at the workplace
STEGENŠEK, Andreja The teaching profession: challenges, stress, and empowerment
BASTA, Sanja Burnout at work - challenges of the modern work environment
JURIĆ, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana Mental paths through everyday school life
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani When teachers put themselves first
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana Promotion of the health of workers in education
SARIĆ, Ivana SEL for teachers
TISUCKI, Jasenka Prevention and reduction of pain in the neck part of the spine arising as a consequence of frequent work on the computer
BELŠČAK, Jasminka Preservation of mental health through anxiety and stress coping techniques
CINDRIĆ, Martina , HERCOG, Patricija Self-assessment of the school - how successful are we?
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita 16. 4. World voice day
ČUPIĆ, Marko The impact of ERASMUS + mobility on the mental health of teachers
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Supervision as a form of professional support for teachers in preserving mental health
ATLAGA, Zvjezdana , MATIĆ, Sanja Level of stress and free time of educational workers
BRZICA, Marica , FEMEC, Luka