Promocija psihofizičnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov 2023
Zbornik V. strokovne konference 2023
ISBN 978-961-7040-36-4
Polhov Gradec, 2023
356 pages
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Plenary sessionsPapersI move! You move! We move!
SOKOL, Andreja Orientation running – a healthy way of moving
FLORJANČIČ, Matej "Fitko" – taking care of the fitness of fourth-graders
RAKAR, Irena The effects of physical activity on vital lung capacity in the students of our school
ŠKORJANC GRIL, Andreja A sporty way of spending free time during the weekends at Škofljica primary school
REPŠE, Igor Enhancing children's psycho-physical health in the school's sensory park
BUBNIČ, Mateja Psychophysical development of children in the first grade of primary school
VIČAR JAMNIK, Ana Emotional education – the path to psychophysical wellbeing of children
STANEK, Špela Flour babies
NAPRUDNIK PRAUNSEIS, Mateja Unstructured play in the first educational period of elementary school
GNEZDA PETRIČ, Melita My self-esteem
PEVEC SATLER, Mojca Prevention of addictions is proper education
STIPLOŠEK PAJK, Greta Physical activities to increase motivation and improve concentration of students during lessons
GUJTMAN, Jasmina Who should take responsibility and save our children from cell phone addiction?
KRAMPERŠEK, Ivan Exatlon in our school
ČREŠNAR PUNGARŠEK, Andreja The importance of choral singing for child psychosocial development
ŠTIGL, Alenka Health care in the 1st educational period
CVEK, Jelka Integrating different forms of teaching in the first grade
BREZNIK, Lea Playing for health
ŠTOR, Ana First aid and young learners/ First aid and young learners
BENIGAR, Polona Promotion of outdoor activities
PERGOVNIK, Vita By reading to good interpersonal and intergenerational relations
JOVIĆ, Svetlana German in a fun way
KENE, Jasmina Psychophysical health among adolescents in english classes
DULAR, Irena Mindful classroom
BEVC HOLOBAR, Tea Not talking about them but with them – experiential
GLOBOČNIK, Branka Learning habits of emotionally wounded students
KULOT, Mateja Workshops as a way of encouraging the personal growth of adolescents
KOKOL, Katja Breathe
DRAGOŠ, Miha Taking care of myself - living happily and healthily
KNEZ, Barbara The wooden boy in primary school
KLANČIŠAR, Jasna How can i take care of myself?
TRAMPUŠ, Erika Outdoor learning
BAGON, Nadja Puppets as a didactic tool for a more effective pedagogical process of working with first-grade pupils
SEDMAK STRLE, Petra A project that connects us
VREŽE, Katja Children well-being with breathing exercises and meditation through coaching
ŠLEBIR LEKAN, Helena Development of child's/adolescent’s positive self-esteem as protective factor through social skill training
TEPEŽ TRATNIK, Veronika By moving on the way to knowledge and a better self-image
PARADIŽNIK, Petra The influence of artistic expression on the psychophysical health of children and adolescents
RAKEF, Vesna Sport-socializing camp for 1st year students
LAZIĆ, Aleksandar Sleep quality among adolescents
JUVAN PASTIRK, Darja How to respond to stressful situations
BIZJAK, Martina Preserving and improving children and adolescents' psycho-physical health
HORVAT, Biljana The use of mobile apps in promoting mental health in high schools
KRAMBERGER, Darja The importance of sleep for learning and students' motivation
ŠEPEC, Gloria Out–of-school classes
TURKOVIĆ, Klaudia Accepting challenges openly - rather sooth than enrage
HERŽENJAK HORVAT, Nataša Underground world: for health and well-being
OMAN KOMURKA, Mateja Meeting camp connects freshman students
JARC STERGAR, Maruša Active participation of students in CŠOD Bohinj
JELEN, Jan Positive self-esteem development in children with learning difficulties
KLADNIK, Tanja By movement towards higher quality of learning
FILAK, Robert Who, what, and in what manner influences psychophysical health of primary school pupils?
VRAČUN, Dragica Promoting the psycho-physical health of children in extended stays
NJEŽIĆ, Žana How knowledge about emotions can improve the psycho-physical well-being of adolescents
SMEJ, Štefka Let’s orient together
LAMPE, Ana Our online education while working from home
IVANŠEK, Žiga Learning through movement
TOPLAK, Nataša Developing critical thinking
BREZAR, Helena Rhythm – its significance and systematic implementation into teaching ASD children
GANTAR, Gaja Why did grandpa have to die? (children grieving)
KOCMAN, Jerneja Will we still be writing and drawing freehand in the future?
BENVENUTI, Klementina Soul, mind, body - we explore in the natural environment
KODER, Metka Sport as an instrument of inclusion between minority institutions and youth
LULIĆ, Remza Personal and social development at school
BASTA, Sanja , SVOBODA ARNAUTOV, Nataša Health is the greatest wealth
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana Strengthening the mental health of children and young people
TISUCKI, Jasenka The influence of an encouraging environment on the optimal growth and development of children in the special all-day sports program in „Vjeverica“ kindergarten
BRAJE, Zvjezdana , JELIĆ, Martina , MORIĆ, Petra , SUČIĆ-ŠINDLER, Ivana Fear scares the one who is afraid
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani With the book to health: presentation of the etwinning project "The book is cool"
MARMILIĆ, Jasenka Roller skating as a means of the youngstairs’ health improvement
BENKOVIĆ, Sanja Digital technology in the service of healthy habits
MATIĆ, Sanja , ČUPIĆ, Anita Media and mental development of the children
MILOŠ, Helena , TUDIĆ DOKMAN, Anamarija How to improve mental health of the pupils
POKOS, Lucija , SOLENIČKI, Irena The health concept in teaching early school age children for a healthy tomorrow
CINDRIĆ, Martina , HERCOG, Patricija Good practice example: project: "Healthy as a dragon: play and learning in nature“
GORŠE, Valentina , PEREŠKO, Marina , RAHIJA, Iva Happy and healthy - presentation of project work: promoting he health of children of early and preschool age
BUZOV, Ivona , KUNČIĆ, Anita , RADELJAK GUDELJ, Antonia The role of music in a child's socio-emotional development
STRMO, Slavica The impact of technology on sustainable development
LONČAR, Ružica Promotion of the health of children and young people
JANKOVIĆ, Snežana Encouraging healthy habits through directed and free activities in kindergarten for ages 3 to 6
NIKEZIĆ PAŠANBEGOVIĆ, Nermina , VUKČEVIĆ, Vanja The role of educational workers of preschool education institutions in the development of children's social competences
GUDLIN, Monika , ŽUPANČIĆ, Martina Caring for children's mental health
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Challenges of growing up in modern society
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita Health is important, prevention even more so!
BANOVIĆ, Tamara , LACIĆ, Sandra Creativity to mental health
ŠUMANAC, Vesna Biosecurity and bioprotection
BANOVIĆ, Tamara , ZEMUNIK, Ivana Muddy Hands
HUF, Ankica , ŠKOLNIK, Ljubica Maturity of the child to start school
MAMUŽIĆ, Antonija , ĆALETA CAR, Željka Smart management of free time restrictions as a prerequisite for physical and mental health
JURIĆ, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana Life in a community and democratic environment (experiences from practice)
IVIĆ HERCIGONJA, Vesna Development of children's awareness of the benefits of regular physical exercise and health care
HRGOVIĆ, Martina , PIGAC, Ema Move, be happy
BERISLAVIĆ, Dinka , SUČIĆ ĆOSIĆ, Zrinka The influence of interclass cooperation on the psychophysical health of students
BENEŠ, Milenko , NEDIĆ, Olja Children's mental health "in a healthy body, a healthy mind"
GALIĆ ORE, Tanja , VUKOVIĆ, Ivana Mini Proper nutrition leads to health
BANOVIĆ, Tamara The development of emotional self-regulation in children of trauma and preschool age