Promocija psihofizičnega zdravja otrok in mladostnikov 2024
Zbornik VI. strokovne konference 2024
Polhov Gradec, 2024
475 pages
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Plenary sessionsSocial media and youth mental health
KRNETA, Ljiljana Health of children and youth requires consideration of trees and the forest ecosystem: introduction to a systems perspective
LIM GOH, LinPapersMental health of children in connection with recognition and awareness of their own emotions
JAGODIČ PINOZA, Aleksandra Mental health of children and young people
KRAJNC, Barbara Calming down students affected by trauma
PEKOLJ, Zvonka Weekend workshops for teenagers "Me in the world of emotions"
ZELENJAK, Nives Let’s help teenagers say ‘no’ to nicotine products.
STANEK, Špela Mindfulness for pre-school children
MALTARIČ GLASER, Nuša Power of dance: benefits of movement for the healthy development of preschool children
BAČAR, Jana How to encourage a child to develop an inner core of strenght?
STRMŠEK, Petra Survival in nature
SKRT, Anija Energy drinks among adolescents
JAMNIK, Tanja What do professional development, school leadership, and the psychophysical health of children have in common?
DROFENIK JERIČ, Vesna Positive classroom climate
PREVOLŠEK, Petra We, you, they
VUTKOVIČ, Metka Tutoring - building community and "almost forgotten" values
TRAMPUŠ, Erika Relaxed in school and everywhere
MUHVIČ, Andreja Let's animate math
ŠUBELJ, Jožica Stress-free mathematics: when a game turns into the best learning experience
TADIĆ, Katarina Learning english with wind in hair
MILJANČIČ RUTER, Marijana Feldenkrais method in sports education
GRGIĆ, Emilijan Sports week – more sports for the healthy development of children in primary school
UDOVČ, Jure Development of bilingual students slovenian language and how can we support them
TEPEŽ TRATNIK, Veronika A dance path to the holistic well-being of children
KOS, Monika Mathematics lessons in nature in the 4th class of the lower educational standard
TAJNIKAR, Tanja Kinesthetic children
HVALEC ŽITNIK, Andreja From overcoming mental challenges to fulfilling dreams: the story of an Emirati flight attendant
STAROVASNIK DUMIĆ, Petra Modifying class meetings my life is my story
PRODAN, Karin Anxiety in children and adolescents with special needs
HOZJAN, Hana Integration of children with temporary protection into slovenian primary school and care for their psychophysical health
ČELHAR, Anita School as a living space
PAHOR, Klaudija The child's entry into residental institutiondistress and approaches to help
PAJNIK, Dominika Mental health of students at the Institute for the deaf and hard hearing Ljubljana
JARC STERGAR, Maruša Tricks and advice to improve students' well-being
JAGER, Lucija Emotional intelligence can also be developed in Slovene
WEISS, Maja Use of therapy cards for additional professional assistance hours
LAŠIČ, Mateja Movement as a basis for psychophysical health of children and youth
SUZIĆ, Duška Let's play
SOKOL, Andreja In the company of Maček Muri
ŠARLIJA, Mojca Mirror, mirror, tell me - who am i?
CONFIDENTI, Marjanca Social anxiety in adolescents
KOKOL, Katja Games without frontiers
KAVČIČ, Marijana Mental health of students in second educational cycle
SVETEC, Petra Folklore activity in school
MIKLAVŽ SINTIČ, Maja Physical activity and social competence of the child
GRGIĆ, Emanuel Active bodies, active brains
VOGA, Brigita Moving, nature and relaxation – the recipe for healthy and happy children
PETERLIN, Adrijana Using relaxation techniques we create a relaxed and connected learning environment
HODNIK, Katja Relaxation breaks during lessons
SVETINA, Albina Stress management in teaching (english)
KOVAČIČ, Tanja Practice of basic elements of mindfulness during the class meetigs
OTTO, Sanja The impact of outdoor learning on children's well-being
LIHTENVALNER, Lea Active student, satisfied student
ERČULJ, Helena Make haste slowly - nurturing psychophysical health in children and adolescents amidst the challenges of modern life
ROŽANC, Janja Even primary school students can get "burnout"
MEJAČ, Katja Integrating equine-assisted therapy into the elementary school program
ZEGA, Andreja What, how, why... for the psycho-physical health of children
SELČAN, Katja Working with pupils who show signs of behavioral disorders
KOSELJ, Vesna Mental difficulties of children
KOPRIVNIK, Nataša School refusal, anxiety and sport
ŠAMPERL PETROVIČ, Helena Diet nutrition at school
KOSMAČ, Hedvika Food is not for waste
GRAD, Mojca Creativity to healthy development
JOVANOVIĆ, Dajana PIS for peace
GRUM, Petra The importance of relationship in the educational process
OSREDKAR, Mateja Exploring the beneficial impact of mountains on children's well-being
PODGRAJŠEK, Martina Orientation hike involving the exploration of natural attractions and the history of our area
VOGRIN, Anita Choose green … go to nature
LOGAR, Irena Camping skills on a special education and education program
RIŽNIK, Vesna Inspiring school in the outdoor classroom
MILOŠIČ ŠALAMUN, Anja Students with physical disabilities gain experience
PREZELJ, Tanja The role of the teacher in empowering students to overcome external examination fear
JANEŽIČ, Anita Erasmus+ project as a means of student motivation
LAZIĆ, Aleksandar Developing endurance in secondary schools with step aerobics
MEGLIČ, Melita The effect of movement on the state of mind and vice versa
ŠAPEK, Suzana The school apiary as an educational aspect for health, sustainable development and a better future
KLANČAR, Dušanka The use of NLP techniques in teaching
TRATNIK, Deja Example of good practice MEPI - international acknowledgement for young people
HORVAT, Natalija Acquiring knowledge through play and movement
ULAGA, Lidija Positive effects of play on students
OŠLAJ, Andreja Settling and movement-based activities in slovene lessons
FRIDL, Mojca How do we reduce students' stress before mathematics?
MARUCELJ ŠTRUS, Andreja With knowledge to beauty
ROGELJ, Anja Family impact on the child’s learning process and behavior
BERNETIČ, Ksenija Physical therapy after anterior cruciate ligament tear
PORI, Nika The beginning of the chemistry class begins with meditation and the question how am i?
POLJANŠEK, Nina Using games to promote mental and physical health of children
ŠEBENIK, Mateja Motivational methods in the social games of preschool children
KASTELIC, Saša Learning through play and movement
KRNC, Helena Sports motive in children´s game
BERTOL, Morana , KRUNEŠ, Josipa On the path to emotional resilience
BASTA, Sanja , FABIJAN GAŠPAREVIĆ, Marinela FOMO - fear of missing out
BELŠČAK, Jasminka , REĐEP, Tamara How to improve the psychophysical health of students
FILAKOVIĆ, Sanja , ZDELAR, Margareta SOS friend, the influence on the child's psycho-physical health from the first day at school - examples of good practice
GORIČANEC, Maja , PERČIĆ, Ksenija School that connects: interclass cooperation and a positive class atmosphere
BENEŠ, Milenko , NEDIĆ, Olja ETHNO program and psychophysical health of children
ANDRAŠEK, Anita , VUJATOVIĆ, Dinka , ŠPOLJAR, Smiljana The impact of social networks on the mental health of children of primary school age
BANOVIĆ, Tamara , ZEMUNIK, Ivana Social networks and addiction: challenges of the digital age wear for children and young people
JURIĆ, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana The influence of mobile technologies on the psychophysical health of upper classes primary school children
PAVIČIĆ ZAJEC, Tea , REĐEP, Tamara Zoom library therapy
BANDIĆ ŠTRBAC, Ivana , ERAK, Iva Promotion of psychophysical health of children and young people
GLOMAZIC, Branka Ecological education
MAMUŽIĆ, Antonija , ĆALETA CAR, Željka Children are our wealth
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana On the tracks strengthening the child's psychophysical development
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani The context of the educational institution as a stimulus for the comprehensive development of children
HRGOVIĆ, Martina , LAMZA, Arnela , PIGAC, Ema Comparison the results of motor skills in kindergarten
LOŽNJAK, Boris School activities and student health
ŠUMANAC, Vesna Imagination, imagination can do anything
ČUPIĆ, Anita , ŠUMANAC, Vesna Read to reflect - bibliotherapy in working with youth
ŠIŠAK, Iva Emotions in the library
MARMILIĆ, Jasenka The role of preschool teacher in strengthening the psycho-physical health of children of early and preschool age
KILIM, Iva , ŠPORČIĆ ŠKROBONJA, Margareta The influence of modern lifestyle and social networks on psycho-physical development of children and young people
PEJOVIĆ BRINIĆ, Vesna Mindfulness exercises for better psychophysical health
CINDRIĆ, Martina , HERCOG, Patricija A little different Eliza
ČUPIĆ, Marko Active against stress
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Kindergarten activities that encourage children's overall psychophysical development
KOREN, Tihana , POTOČKI, Petra Development of psychological resilience in children
RADELJAK GUDELJ, Antonia , ČAJO, Najda How is it possible to create many superfriends in one small town? - Prevention of peer violence and strengthening of children's emotional health through the superfrend project
GORŠE, Valentina , PODVORAC, Tamara School - a unique place for building the resilience of children of parents with mental disabilities
ATLAGA, Zvjezdana , MATIĆ, Sanja Functional knowledge as a prerequisite for the psychological resilience of students in a vocational school
LONČAR, Ružica A mathematical journey
BRZICA, Marica Volunteering
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Purposeful spending of free time
BRZICA, Marica , FEMEC, Luka Highly sensitive children in a kindergarten environment
DROŽĐAN, Danijela , ROKLICER, Mirjana A movement towards the integral development of the child
LIOVIĆ, Marijana Harmonious growth and development to psychophysical health of children
BALJKAS NAKIĆ, Ines , CRNOGAĆA, Julija We grow together!
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana Support for the preservation of mental health in the system upbringing and education
GALIĆ-ORE, Tanja , HALAVUK, Antonija , VUKOVIĆ, Ivana Mini Extra-curricular teaching for the welfare of children
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita Less stressful assessment of experimental work in physics
POLJANC, Neža Eating disorders in children and adolescants