Izobraževanje v prihodnosti / Future education
Zbornik I. strokovne konference 2023
ISBN 978-961-7040-37-1
Polhov Gradec, 2023
462 pages
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PapersHow can children become critical information processors and active learners?
VAN EGMOND, Frum Teaching without textbooks and workbooks
SODNIK PETRIČ, Vanja Teaching and learning through movement
PERGOVNIK, Vita Developing social skills in children and adolescents with visual impairment
TAJNIKAR, Tanja Mindfulness in pre-school children
KOLAR, Albina Modern teaching in the 1st educational cycle
VRABIČ, Saša The role of a class teacher in inclusive education in regular primary school
GOLČMAN, Urška The role of the teacher in modern teaching
FÄNRICH VUGA, Ksenija The teacher and modern teaching - where to? How? Why? When?
OGULIN, Robert Parcitipation of children in institutional education
ŠTUKELJ, Vesna Diversity of student’s needs in a time of digitisation of teaching
JANEŽIČ, Anita A new learning style acquired during distance learning
LAMPE, Ana Obogatitev pouka s kužkom/Class enrichment with the presence of therapy dog
JENKO, Ana Malo tišje, prosim/Please lower your voices a bit
DIMC, Bojana Reading to make dreams come true - encouraging reading at Leskovec primary school
SOKOLOVIČ, Marina Tasting in english lessons - easter time
ANDERS, Natalija Creative way of teaching: project work in English lessons in the 7th grade
OZIMEC, Mariana Using CHATGPT in learning english and grading
BATAGELJ, Valentina CHATGPT in education
BENČIĆ, Lavoslava Forget forgetting
MARKIČ, Gregor Enrollment and support for students with autism and other special needs in kindergarten and the regular elementary school program - an example of good practice
KRALJ, Tina Different roles of an educator in an educational institution - do they complement or oppose each other?
MEDVEŠEK, Katja Education of new generations and past experiences
PODVRATNIK, Jožica Forest secrets
SAJOVIC, Tjaša With waste material to a teaching aid
KOVAČIČ KOLBL, Andreja Baby steps towards a young environmentalist
SVETEK, Nataša An innovative teaching approach using the method of associations and hidden words
JOVIĆEVIĆ, Vanja Management of stress in the everyday life of teachers and students
LOGAR, Maja Incorporating elements of formative monitoring in Slovenian lessons
HABJAN LAVTAR, Tina Formative monitoring: the student in the process of improving learning and knowledge
GRABLJEVEC, Nina OBS studio - a must-have tool for the teacher of the future
MEMIĆ, Mensud Independent learning - numerical expressions with decimal numbers
BROŽIČ, Urška »Goodies?« - let's go to the market
LOGAR, Irena The "Aktivko" diary as a motivational tool for children's physical activity
PEVEC, Živa Matematika auf deutsch
PODOBNIK, Andreja , WEISS, Maja Practical training of digital content in vocational education in secondary school
VUKOVIĆ, Srđan The use of online tools in teaching mathematics in the lower educational standard
SLANŠEK SLOKAN, Nina Integrating digital technology in teaching physics in elementary schools
GRIL, Barbara Social media as a part of information skills - teaching and learning with a combination of film, workshops and group work
MLAKAR, Tina Artificial intelligence between 0 and 1
PUNGARŠEK, Iztok Social games improve english teaching and learning
MILOŠIČ, Janja Inclusive empowerd teacher
BOŽIČ, Urška Games in slovenian lessons at the subject level of primary school
KODRE, Petra Save the earth, save yourself - environmental protection in everyday life
ARZENŠEK, Mojca The use of ICT as a motivation for Geography lessons
OPRAVŽ OSTRELIČ, Lea The use of ICT technology in the teaching of biology in primary school
POLAK, Jani Use of ICT at library information knowledege lessons
TRATENŠEK, Tanja Emotional literacy as an educational necessity for the future
RISTOVA FIRER, Marina Breaking down prejudice against pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders in the wider social environment
GOSTIČ PUNGERTAR, Nina The student as an individual
BEVC HOLOBAR, Tea E-Twinning within the extended stay programme
VRTAČNIK LEVNAJIĆ, Urška Extracurricular activity exploring owls
ŠEBENIK, Mateja An active teacher, an active student
TEMNIK KERŠ, Jasmina Functioning of the mind and concentration in the learning process
ZELNIK, Janja Happiness in School
HORVAT BAUM, Tanja Shakespeare and the elizabethan theatre
NAPRUDNIK PRAUNSEIS, Mateja School library and intercurriculum connection
BOKAL, Vita The past through modern approaches
FRIDL, Mojca A student in digital world
ŠTEFELIN, Mateja Student Inclusion Using the COBIE AI Smart Classroom
DOVČ, Kristina Dea We can develop personal skills in a creative way also at engineering and technology lessons (TIT)
SMEJ, Štefka Pupils with learning difficulties in maths
PORENTA, Tina Teaching mathematics in the future: using ICT or developing thinking
TRPIN, Alenka Physical education lessons using ICT technology
RAJHER, Polona Managing and monitoring a pupil with autism in a regular programme an example of good practice
VRABEC, Martina Computer or school garden?
ISKRA, Helena The inclusion of a blind student in the regular program of elementary school
KASTELEC, Barbara Peer tutoring - support in the education of persons with intellectual disabilities
MEH, Mateja The use of quizzes in online classrooms with Moodle
KOBAL, Anamarija Review of new information and communication technologies and their impact on self-directed learning
REBERNIK, David Liveworksheets as a teaching aid in teaching foreign language
KUSELJ, Nataša A teacher - an interesting and desired profession?
LEGAN CRNOJA, Mateja Burnout
BENIGAR, Polona Vision of education in the hospital school
PLOHL, Igor Learning spaces of the future in the light of work forms and methods
ČEMAŽAR TRATAR, Mika »Let me win«
RAJŠP, Monika Learning through moving
ŠTOR, Ana Mindfulness and communication
MEGLIČ, Erna Teaching desired behaviour in school
BIZJAK, Martina Interculturality and improvement of relationships between students of different cultures
HORVAT, Samira Future Education
ŠTAMPAR, Valerija Strength and flexibility training on Gyrotonic expansion system® for improving body posture
DOLENC, Tiana , ŠIFRAR, Tina The role of preschool education in modern teaching
LAŠIČ, Mateja The importance of sleep for children's work at school
SKOK JEKOVEC, Nejc Compensation of the negative effects of sedentary behavior with the use of self-massage
PORI, Maks , ŠUŠTARŠIČ, Ana How to be safe in traffic in the preschool period
OZVATIČ, Barbara Learning through experience on a daily basis - a gifted student as a future scientist
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana Correlation in teaching and digital geography
PERAK, Ana Digital literacy - literacy of the future
MARMILIĆ, Jasenka Digital tools in the teaching of science and society in the 1st grade
CINDRIĆ, Irena , DUJMOVIĆ, Marija Education for the future: decoding computers
LAZAREVIĆ, Ana The diversity of learning styles and needs of learnens
BARIČEVIĆ, Ivana , TODOROVIĆ, Maja Innovative and creative ways of teaching
TISUCKI, Jasenka Education of students with disabilities in the future
MILKOVIĆ, Javorka , ŠUPE, Tanja "Pirates" - digital picture book
LUKAČ, Lidija , LUKAČIĆ, Gordana , VIDEC, Blaženka Future education skills for the 21st century, self-regulated learning, independent learning
JELIĆ, Milica , MIĆOVIĆ, Anka Personalization of learning (selfpaced learning, independent learning, student/child participation in all educational phases, extended stay)
ŠĆEPANOVIĆ, Bojana Future education
ĐUROVIĆ, Ljiljana Being digital is great
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani Starting a school radio
OROŠNJAK, Jelena , VUJEVIĆ, Anđela Creative learning leads to ecological solutions for the future
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita How to understand Regoč through play
LAMZA, Marijana Ecology, music, picture, story…
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina A magical place - fairy tale
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Creative forms works with children who speak foreign languages
FISTANIĆ, Marina , MILINA, Martina Digital library
BANDIĆ BULJAN, Marijana , BANDIĆ ŠTRBAC, Ivana Innovative and creative in a modern integrated setting
BRZICA, Marica , PERIŠIĆ, Ksenija ICT and inclusion
BRZICA, Marica , FEMEC, Luka Eco-STEAM challenge
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana Inclusiveness and diversity - from theory to practice
MARINIĆ, Ana , TOLJANIĆ, Dijana Digitally transformed
KRIŽANAC, Ivana , LACIĆ, Sandra , ŠUPERBA, Višnja Multidisciplinary and inclusive education in the future
JAKOPOVIĆ, Jasna , KVETEK, Marijeta Cyberbullying
MURANIĆ, Katarina Cognitive-emotional music listening
ČUPIĆ, Marko Interesting mathematics in the classroom
GAČIĆ, Sunčica The other face of mathematics
RONČEVIĆ, Blanka Smart management of free restrictions weather as a physical and mental prerequisite of health
JURIĆ, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana The benefits and challenges of cognitive mental maps in physics education
GAURIN, Marija , LJEVNAIĆ, Ivana Implementation of the GLOBE program in the teaching of geography