Sodobni izzivi vzgoje in izobraževanja v vrtcu
Zbornik XVII. mednarodne strokovne konference za vzgojitelje v vrtcih 2024
Polhov Gradec, 2024
183 pages
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Plenary PapersWhere are you heading Finland?
LAAKKONEN, Anna The program for strengthening child´s development
TODOROVIĆ, MajaPapersThe educators role in the identification and guidance of pre-school children with special needs
ŠUŠTAR, Teja The harmfulness of using screens in the preschool period
KODRIČ, Marina Dangers of screen technology
HRIBAR, Helena Kindergarten natural science club
LESKOVAR, Nataša Working with immigrant children in a modern kindergarten
PEZDIRC, Mojca How to help a child with selective mutism
ROŽMAN, Urška A quiet playroom as a stimulative learning environment
LEBEN, Barbara Children's participation in puppet activities
TOPIĆ, Petra Professional development of educators and teachers at 1st primary school class through their cooperation
MARTINČIČ, Maja Didactic robot – a learning tool in kindergarten
BABIČ, Nataša Parents in the department as carriers of activities
BREGAR, Metka Communication and cooperation with parents from choice theory point of view
PIŠOTEK, Zlatko »Oh, those screens« – the challenge and dilemma of modern education
VRANKAR, Mira Vladimira Connecting professional early education staff to a learning community that is concerned for every individual child
GARDELIN, Klara Treasures from the old suitcase
SKRT, Anija Puppet as motivational resource
JURKOVIČ, Jasna Advantages of formative assessment in the kindergarten Šmarje pri Jelšah
JURKOŠEK, Sabina Two-year challenges of pre-school children's group
TRDIN, Marija Melita Activities in a preschool group – working in a circle
MARKELJ, Bojana An environment of sensory stimulation for rich sensory exploration and balance
ROGELJ LIPOGLAVŠEK, Marta Strengthening mutual partnership through events
KLAJNE, Kristina Challenges of a kindergarten teacher working with special needs children included in a regular department
JUVAN, Vanja Activity social games - how can kindergarten’s counselling service help in developing children’s social skills and potential in kindergarten?
BOHNEC, Jasna Challenges in the work of accompanying children with special needs in kindergarten
SENEKOVIČ, Larisa Analysis of individualized education plans in kindergartens
GROF, Franja Cooperation with parents in discovering and working with children with special needs
SLAK, Petra Excessive use of devices with screens in pre-school children – a modern challenge of education
VETRIH, Zlatka The impact of screens on children's engagement in preschool
NOVAK, Irena Screens and children with special needs
ZABUKOVEC, Erna In the land of bees
PETERNEL AMON, Zvezdana Nature study in preschool
PIŠEK KOROŠIN, Anka The miraculous power of herbs
MEŠKO, Karmen The role of the educator in developing a respectful attitude towards bread
BRCAR, Janja Physical and verbal violence at preschool children
NOVAK, Veronika Communication callenges
GLAD, Leona Krasna Book, my friend - developing positive the attitude of children and parents to the written sources of children's literature
AMBROŽIČ BRICELJ, Maja Photo or painting
GERŠAK BANOVIĆ, Maja The forest playground as an encouragement in planning activities in all areas of the curriculum
BEVEC JEVNIKAR, Nina The doll as a motivation tool for encouragement creativity
ERJAVEC, Nuša Inclusion of children with special needs in kindergarten
UDOVIČ, Radojka Inclusion of children with special needs in kindergarten
LESKOVAR, Simona Self-service food in kindergarten
MIŠEVSKI, Metoda When communicating with parents becomes complicated
FIUS, Tanja Communication with parents during the introduction period
AŠIČ, Nataša How to include and provide a stimulating learning environment for a child with down syndrome in kindergarten?
ŽAVSKI, Sabina The enrichment activity of folk dancing in kindergarten
ŠTEMBERGER TURKOVIĆ, Andreja The fairytale world of Svetlana Makarović; connecting all curriculum areas
KRAJNC LEŠNIK, Lea What color is the world?
BOŠNJAK, Manuela Project-based learning for preschool children
MILOŠ, Helena , TUDIĆ DOKMAN, Anamarija Children and divorce
HRGOVIĆ, Martina , PIGAC, Ema , POLJIČAK, Vinka The parent as a guest in the kindergarten
KOZIĆ, Ivana , PENAVA, Dijana Parents' corner – a glimpse into the world of kindergarten
BASTA, Sanja Contemporary challenges of upbringing and education in kindergartens
SEDLAR, Ivana , VIDOVIĆ, Fani Application of modern communication tools educator and parent - Okitoki application
HORVAT PETRAVIĆ, Bernardica Strengthening communication skills for cooperation with parents
TOMŠIĆ, Petra Children, parents, media
LOŽNJAK, Boris Cooperation with parents of kindergarten children
FIJAN, Petra , ŠOŠIĆ, Jelena Cooperation between the school library and the kindergarten: small readers today, big people tomorrow
KOVAČEVIĆ, Snježana Educators and parents as partners in education preschool children (example of good practice)
IVANČIĆ, Ivanka , VRBETIĆ, Danijela Digital technology in preschool institutions
BRATKOVIĆ ARAČIĆ, Jadranka How to encourage and develop creativity and characteristics of innovators in children of early and preschool age?
SVIRAĆ, Mirela Children guardians of heritage
BANDIĆ BULJAN, Marijana , BANDIĆ ŠTRBAC, Ivana Sea story
RADOVANOVIĆ, Anamarija The world of media as an incentive for the development of children's creativity
IVIĆ HERCIGONJA, Vesna The importance of cooperation with parents of children with disabilities and peer relationships in kindergarten
FEMEC, Luka The benefits of realizing projects: the future is a return to values - value system of adults, educational practice and developmental effects
BORKO, Ana-Marija , LONČAR, Andriana , POŽGAJ, Željka Mobile applications in the service of extracurricular teaching
RADOVANOVIĆ, Anamarija Development of children's environmental awareness in pre-school education and education
KLARIN, Zrinka , MUSTAĆ, Anita The modern educator as an autonomous researcher of pedagogical practice
BRAJE, Zvjezdana , MORIĆ, Petra The role of parents in improving the inclusion of children with special needs in kindergartens